
Energy, Climate & Election Year Politics

As what may prove to be one of the most historic weeks in American politics draws to a close, host Antonia Juhasz leads a discussion on energy, climate, and election year politics with guests Tyson Slocum, the Energy Program Director at Public Citizen in Washington, DC and Kelly Mitchell, Energy Campaign Director for Greenpeace, from […]

Women Take On “The Constellation of Problems of Fossil Fuel Dependence”

Host Antonia Juhasz is joined by Ariel Ross with Stop Fracking Payne County from Stillwater, Oklahoma, home to one of the larger recent bursts of fossil fuel production spawned by fracking, and the state with the highest number of earthquakes in the lower 48–a result of the fracking process. And Rossmery Zayas of Youth for Environmental […]

Exxon-Mobil Hit by the Rockefeller Family Fund

Antonia Juhasz joins show to discuss the Rockefeller Family Fund said it will “eliminate holdings” of Exxon Mobil Corp, saying the oil company has misled the public about climate change risks. Save Save

#VetsVsHate #VetsVsClimateChange

Host Antonia Juhasz is joined in studio by anti-war veterans with Iraq Veterans Against the War, Shawna Foster and Derek Matthews, who share their stories about organizing against hate and Islamophobia in the 2016 Presidential election with the #VetsVsHate campaign. And, having participated in the COP21 UN Climate Agreement negotiations in Paris in December with […]