
Ask an Expert: How Do Oil Companies Get Away With, Well, Everything? Antonia Juhasz Explains.

Louisiana's Cancer Alley

Antonia discusses her new Human Rights Watch investigation of Louisiana's Cancer Alley.

Antonia joins several episodes of Season 8's deep dive into Exxon's attempts to transform Guyana from a carbon sink into a carbon bomb.

The Quest to Defuse Guyana's Carbon Bomb.

Guyanese environmental lawyer Melinda Janki is taking on the oil giant ExxonMobil. Her legal battle is profiled in a new article in Wired, “The Quest to Defuse Guyana’s Carbon Bomb,” written by Antonia Juhasz, who also joins us.

Shell Ruled Responsible for Climate Change

Antonia appeared as a guest on ABC Late Night Live with Phillip Adams to discuss a Dutch court's ruling holding Shell liable for climate change and why it's so significant.

Blood for Oil, with Antonia Juhas‪z

Antonia was a guest on Hot Take Podcast, where she talked about all the ways oil, war, and climate change intersect. Listen to the episode here. Listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts. Follow Hot Take on Twitter: @RealHotTake. Hot Take Podcast is a “holistic, irreverent, no-b******t look at the climate crisis and […]