How Climate Change Is On The Ballot On Election Day
RisingUp with Sonali
Sonali Kolhatkar
November 2, 2020
Antonia discusses the 2020 presidential race and Trump's disastrous record on climate change on Rising Up with Sonali.
(Un)Covering Oil with Antonia Juhasz
KGNU Radio
Antonia Juhasz
October 29, 2020
Episode 5: Antonia discusses the role of oil and the climate crisis in the election, and is joined by guests Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali and Natalie Mebane.
Trump’s Fossil Fuel Bailout
A Matter of Degrees Podcast
October 29, 2020
Antonia was interviewed on A Matter of Degrees podcast about the Trump Administration's bailout of the fossil fuel industry.
Antonia discusses her recent Rolling Stone joint letter with climate journalists challenging the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett.
Dotun Adebayo
October 26, 2020
Antonia discusses her recent Rolling Stone joint letter with over 70 climate journalists challenging the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett.
How Fracking Companies Benefit From COVID19 While Communities Suffer
The YEARS Project
October 21, 2020
Antonia discusses how fossil fuel companies are getting millions of dollars from the federal paycheck protection loan program -- while still laying off workers -- and how that's hurting one community in Colorado.
The End of Oil Is Near
Jason Mark
October 5, 2020
Antonia explains why the COVID pandemic may be the nail in the coffin for the global oil and gas industry for Sierra Magazine's Podcast, "The Overstory."
Antonia Juhasz on the End of Oil
September 18, 2020
This week on CounterSpin: As the coronavirus pandemic shut down business as usual around the world, some saw a kind of silver lining in emerging images of formerly gray skies returned to blue, skylines re-emerging from years of polluted muck. More than an “ironic upside,” those images were a message: that situations presented as inevitable have […]
Antonia Delivers TEDx Talk
“How Women and Girls are Leading the Way to the End of the Fossil Fuel Era”
September 13, 2020
Antonia's TEDx Talk, entitled, "How Women and Girls are Leading the Way to the End of the Fossil Fuel Era."
Could COVID deal the fatal blow to Big Oil?
ABC Radio National
Philip Adams
September 9, 2020
The oil industry has been facing issues of oversupply, low prices, and decreasing demand for several years now. Antonia discusses how the end of oil could be sooner than we think.
The End of Oil?
Democracy Now!
Amy Goodman
September 2, 2020
Pandemic Adds to Fossil Fuel Glut, But COVID-19 Relief Money Flows to Oil Industry.
(Un)Covering Oil with Antonia Juhasz
KGNU Radio
Antonia Juhasz
September 1, 2020
Episode 4: Antonia is joined by guests Patricia Nelson, Alexis Goldstein, and Sarah Bloom Raskin, to explore how the COVID 19 pandemic has pushed the oil industry to a precipice.
Journalists discuss the fossil fuel industry's Covid19 fate.
Yale Climate Connections
Peter Sinclair
August 20, 2020
In a new video, Antonia and other journalists explain the mounting challenges facing the fossil fuel industry.