What Makes for Effective Journalism on the Fossil Fuel Industry and Climate Action?
Friday, April 22nd 2016 12-1pm
Boulder, CO
A Discussion with Antonia Juhasz
Investigative journalist and author Antonia Juhasz has studied the history of the oil business and is one of the world’s best-informed critics of the industry. She will be at CU-Boulder April 22-23. Please join the CU Environmental Center for a brownbag lunch discussion, Friday, April 22, 12-1pm, UMC 355. Bring a lunch and questions for discussion.
Antonia Juhasz is a leading energy analyst, author, and investigative journalist specializing in oil. An award-winning writer, Juhasz is the author of three books: Black Tide (2011), The Tyranny of Oil (2008), and The Bush Agenda (2006). Her investigations have taken her a mile below the ocean surface in the Gulf of Mexico to the rainforests of the Ecuadoran Amazon, from to the deserts of Afghanistan to the fracking fields of North Dakota, from the Alaskan Arctic to the oiled beaches of Santa Barbara, and many more places in between. She holds a Masters Degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University and a Bachelors Degree in Public Policy from Brown University.
Juhasz most recently completed a series of six articles for Newsweek on the UN Paris climate talks, reporting from Alaska, North Dakota and Paris. She has written several magazine cover articles and her work has appeared in numerous publications, including:Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Harper’s Magazine, The Atlantic, CNN.com, The Nation, Ms., The Advocate, New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, Petroleum Review Magazine, In These Times, Washington Post, Cambridge University Review of International Relations Journal, Roll Call, The Daily Mirror – Zimbabwe, The Star – Johannesburg, Multinational Monitor, Tikkun, LeftTurn, Alternet.org, The Huffington Post, and more.
Her Harper’s Magazine feature article, “30 Million Gallons Under the Sea,” was a finalist for the 2015 Reed Environmental Writing Award and will appear in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2016 Anthology by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Juhasz has received numerous grants to support her ongoing work in investigative journalism in the oil and energy sectors with Media Alliance (currently) and the Investigative Reporting Program (previously), including from the Max & Anna Levinson Foundation and the Compton Foundation.
Here are a few of her most recent writings and interviews:
Women Take On Climate Change (Ms. Magazine)
Paris Was Just a Way Station in the Climate Change Fight (Newsweek)
Oceans Are Not On the Table At Climate Negotiations in Paris (Newsweek)
Cheap Oil–A Boost or a Bane? (NPR)
UMC 355
Boulder, CO
Marianne Moulton Martin
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CU Environmental Center