
Iraq, War & Oil

Antonia discusses the ongoing conflict in Iraq, the role of Western and Chinese oil companies, the history of the conflict, and the role of oil in the war today. Listen to the full interview (also available on KPFA Radio):

Iraq, War & Oil

Антония Юхаш: Производството на петрол в Ирак не е намаляло заради действията на ИДИЛ

Oil, Ecuador, and Antonia's latest CNN Op Ed

Antonia joins SiriusXM's morning talk program, "Stand Up! w/ Pete Dominick" discussing her latest CNN OpEd, "Why oil drilling in Ecuador is 'Ticking Time Bomb' for Planet."

Ecuador, oil & Chevron ruling

Antonia discusses her latest CNN OpEd, "Why Oil Drilling in Ecuador is 'Ticking Time Bomb' for Planet," and a NY Court's recent ruling for Chevron in Ecuador case.

On Syria & Exxon

Antonia briefly discusses the role of oil and gas in the Syria conflict and then her latest article, "What's Wrong With Exxon?"