
BP Gulf Oil Disaster

Antonia discusses the U.S. Government's release of its most comprehensive study to date of the BP Gulf oil disaster.

Iraqi Oil and BP

Antonia discusses war in Iraq, oil, and BP.

Q&A with "Black Tide" author Antonia Juhasz

When the BP oil disaster began, writer, activist, and oil industry expert Antonia Juhasz traveled to the Gulf Coast, where she followed the response efforts and interviewed dozens of government officials, community leaders, fishermen, scientists, and coastal residents. A year later, Juhasz published the result of her investigation in a book:  “Black Tide: The Devastating Impact […]

Activists' 'True Cost' report takes on Chevron

With Chevron Corp. set to hold its annual shareholder meeting this morning, a global network of the company's critics on Tuesday released a report accusing the oil giant of environmental crimes around the world.

Black Tide

C-Span2 BOOK TV - Air Black Tide from Earth Day at Busboys & Poets.

BP's black tide still devastating lives

Capitol Hill Times’ coverage of Juhasz’s book tour talk at Town Hall Seattle. Just more than a year after the world’s biggest unintentional oil spill — the disaster that unleashed a quantity of oil equivalent to the Valdez oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico every four days — the nation has directed its gaze […]