
Talks yield oil industry revival plan

Strategy that balances regional claims, invites foreign investment goes to Iraq's parliament.

New Iraq Oil Law to Open Iraq's Oil Reserves to Western Companies

The Iraqi blogger Raed Jarrar has obtained a copy of the proposed oil law and has just translated it into English. He discusses the new law with Antonia Juhasz, author of “The Bush Agenda: Invading the World One Economy at a Time.” [includes rush transcript] Transcript This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be […]

Iraq War Authors' Panel

Antonia appears on C-Span speaking to Congress about the Iraq War.

Antonia Juhasz on Iraq and oil

If you wanted to be dismissed by elite pundits and reporters before the Iraq War began, all you had to do was mention oil. Suggesting that Iraq's massive petroleum reserves had anything at all to do with US interest in regime change was a good way to get branded a kook or conspiracy theorist, at best. But years later, Iraq's oil is still coming up convesations about the Iraq War. Are the media finally catching up with this story, or not? Antonia Juhasz, author of the book The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time, will join us.

Battle Brewing in Congress as Bush Admin Seeks Closure of Iraq Reconstruction Corruption Monitor

A new battle is brewing in Congress over how the U.S. government monitors the billions of dollars it spends on the reconstruction of Iraq. Leading congressional Republicans recently passed legislation that would close the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. The special agency has uncovered several cases of waste and abuse, and […]


The iconic moment of the U.S. invasion of Iraq was the toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in Baghdad. It was a staged event with extras supplied by the now discredited neocon favorite Ahmed Chalabi. What was really important was going on in the rest of the city: massive looting. Government […]

Ambitions of Empire: Deconstructing the Bush Agenda with Antonia Juhasz

RS: One the most startling things in your book is the way you talk about the war. While it is popular to describe it as a failure, you describe it in many instances as exactly the success they were looking for. Could you describe therefore what they were looking for and what parts are really working […]

Protesters Target Bechtel for War-Profiteering In Iraq & Its Ties to Nuclear Industry

Last week, the U.S. government announced that it was going to cancel a $50 million dollar contract with Bechtel, after a federal audit exposed gross mismanagement of a project to build a Children’s Hospital in Basra, Iraq. The auditors plan to expand their investigations to all of Bechtel’s $2.85 billion in Iraq contracts. Author and […]

Anti-War: A conversation with Antonia Juhasz

On Aug. 4, local anti-war groups will begin a three-day regional gathering, “Stop Bechtel,” both to commemorate the anniversary of the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and to protest the involvement of one company, Bechtel in the Iraq War today. The Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory in West Mifflin specializes in designing and building nuclear-powered warships. It is owned by the federal government operated […]