(Un)Covering Oil with Antonia Juhasz

(Un)Covering Oil with Antonia Juhasz.
Episode 4: The End of Oil?
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On the fourth episode of (Un)Covering Oil with Antonia Juhasz, Antonia explores how the COVID 19 pandemic has helped to push the oil industry on to a precipice whereas in no other time in its history—its fate now rests in the hands of the public and policymakers, and how Trump and Republicans in Congress are working to bail it out. She discusses the release of her Sierra Magazine September/October cover article, The End of Oil, and its companion piece, Bailout, with three guests whose expertise were central to Antonia’s reporting:
Patricia Nelson is a mom who lives in Weld County and is a recognized leader in the movement to end oil and gas drilling in Colorado.
Alexis Goldstein is a Senior Policy Analyst at Americans for Financial Reform.
Sarah Bloom Raskin is a former member of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve and a former deputy U.S. Treasury secretary. She is a Visiting Professor at Duke University Law School. In May, she published the New York Times OpEd, “Why Is the Federal Reserve Spending So Much Money on a Dying Industry? It should not be directing money to further entrench the carbon economy.”
With the support of the Bertha Foundation and a grant from the Society of Environmental Journalists, Antonia has launched a new special series, (Un)Covering Oil with Antonia Juhasz, airing monthly on KGNU radio in Colorado.