"It's an oil price spitting war": Antonia on the global oil price collapse.

UpFront KPFA Radio
‘It’s an oil price spitting war’ journalist Antonia Juhasz on the oil price war sparking financial panic.
‘It’s an oil price spitting war’ journalist Antonia Juhasz on the oil price war sparking financial panic; Plus: Linda Sarsour on her new memoir ‘We Are Not Meant to Be Bystanders’
0:08 – Oil price war sparks financial panic
Antonia Juhasz (@AntoniaJuhasz) investigative journalist specializing in oil, currently a Scripps Journalism fellow at the University of Colorado – Boulder. Her most recent book is Black Tide.
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Josh Bivens is the Director of Research at the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).
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Dean Preston (@DeanPreston) San Francisco supervisor for District 5, and introduced the legislation.
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Lauren Hepler (@LAHepler) is a reporter for Protocol, where she reports on jobs and the tech industry.
1:08 – Author Interview: Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) is an award-winning civil rights activist, community organizer, and mother of three. She is the former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York and the co-founder of the first Muslim online organizing platform, MPower Change. Sarsour served as national co-chair of the largest single day protest in US history, the Women’s March on Washington in 2017. Her new book is a memoir: We Are Not Here to Be Bystanders: A Memoir of Love and Resistance.