Antonia Juhasz, an independent investigative journalist, will speak at Yale on Thursday, Nov. 9, as a Poynter Fellow in Journalism.
Juhasz’s talk, “Covering Catastrophe: Environmental Destruction and Resistance in the Age of Trump,” will take place at Bowers Auditorium in Sage Hall, at 205 Prospect St. Her visit is co-sponsored by Sage Magazine and the School of Forestry & Environmental Science Class of 1980 Fund.
An energy analyst and oil expert, Juhasz’s work has appeared in Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Harper’s Magazine, The Atlantic, and several other publications. Her Harper’s Magazine article “30 Million Gallons Under the Sea” was included in the 2016 edition of the Best American Science and Nature Writing.
Juhasz’s investigative work has taken her to the rainforests of the Ecuadorean Amazon, the deserts of Afghanistan, a mile below the ocean surface in the Gulf of Mexico, and many more places. She has received funding from the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute and served as an Investigative Journalism Fellow at the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California, Berkeley.
Juhasz has published three books: “Black Tide,” about the causes and consequences of the BP oil spill in the Gulf; “The Tyranny of Oil,” an exposé on the oil industry; and “The Bush Agenda,” about the Bush Administration’s use of corporations to fulfill its agenda.
A graduate of Brown University with a master’s degree in public policy from Georgetown University, Juhasz worked as a legislative assistant for two members of Congress before turning to journalism.
The Poynter Fellowship in Journalism was established by Nelson Poynter, who received his master’s degree in 1927 from Yale. The fellowship brings to campus journalists from a wide variety of outlets who have made significant contributions to their field. Among recent Poynter fellows are Graeme Wood, Susan Glasser, and Jamil Smith.