Why A Dutch Court Ruling Against Shell Oil Is A Game Changer

FEATURING ANTONIA JUHASZ – A civil court in the Netherlands recently issued a landmark ruling against one of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies, ordering Royal Dutch Shell to cut its emissions by 45% from 2019 levels. The Hague court, whose decision could have far-reaching implications, ruled that the British-Dutch multinational corporation is responsible for the emissions that its products create and therefore must comply with the requirements of the Paris Accord. The case was brought by the Dutch chapter of Friends of the Earth and could be replicated in other nations and with other major oil and gas corporations as part of the on-going battle against climate change.
Read more about the ruling in Antonia’s latest for Rolling Stone: “A Court Ruled Shell is Liable for its Contributions to Climate Change. What Happens Now?”
LISTEN HERE: https://www.risingupwithsonali.com/2021/06/01/why-a-dutch-court-ruling-against-shell-oil-is-a-game-changer/