What Does The Historic Drop In Oil Prices Mean For Consumers?
WBEZ Chicago
Bianca Martin
April 21, 2020

What does the historic collapse in oil prices mean and what should be done?
WBEZ NPR Chicago
What Does The Historic Drop In Oil Prices Mean For Consumers?
U.S. oil prices dropped below zero on Monday for the first time in history. By Bianca Martin Tuesday, April 21, 12:15 PM MDT LISTEN

The novel coronavirus has caused oil prices to turn negative Monday for the first time in U.S. history, causing a stir in the global market.
Reset checks in with an investigative reporter who covers the oil industry for more on what the dip in oil prices means for you.
GUEST: Antonia Juhasz, author and investigative journalist; Scripps Journalism fellow at the University of Colorado in Boulder.