The End of Oil?

Sunday, April 10th 2016  9am & 11am
Minneapolis, MN

For many decades, our gifted pre-Mass guest speakers have been an inspirational component of St. Joan of Arc Gym liturgies. Our pre-Mass guest speakers bring singular witness stories to SJA, sharing their journey, their hope and their challenge with our community. Our guest speakers reflect the message of the Gospels and their prophetic voices educate and inspire us on critical issues in our neighborhood, our world and our Church.

We invite speakers to teach us ways to change our world. Professionals working with the poor, abused and marginalized enlighten and challenge us to act. Philosophers and theologians share their perspectives of faith, forgiveness and prayer. Whether they come from South Minneapolis or from the other side of the world, these talented and thought-provoking presenters are a cornerstone and a highlight of our Sunday Liturgy.

St. Joan of Arc
4537 3rd Ave. So.
Minneapolis, MN

Marie Braun

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St. Joan of Arc