People’s Climate March Teach-In Panel: Fighting Wars for Oil
Saturday, September 20th 2014 12:30-2:00pm New York, NY
NYC Climate Convergence for People, Planet & Peace Over Profit
Panel Presentation
We will lead a discussion about fighting in and against wars for oil, how we can stop such wars as they rage now and in the future, how the military consumes massive amounts of fossil fuels, and how veterans can work together and with allies to play a unique role in organizing against climate change.
One of the foremost drivers to our environmental crisis is wars and conflicts for oil. We hope to unite those struggling against war and militarism–both in antagonist countries and those in which the conflicts take place–with those organizing to end our environmental crisis and see these not as two, but as one broad struggle with one growing movement that can take action at the local, national, and international levels together.
Speakers: Antonia Juhasz is an oil and energy analyst specializing is energy and conflict. A leading investigative journalist with articles in Rolling Stone, Harper’s Magazine, The Atlantic, CNN.com, The Nation, and more; author of three books: THE TYRANNY OF OIL, THE BUSH AGENDA, and BLACK TIDE; and IVAW National Advisory Committee member. Juhasz has reported twice from Afghanistan.
Matt Howard served in the Marine Corps as a helicopter mechanic and completed two tours in Iraq. He is Communications Director of IVAW
Graham Clumpner served in the 75th Ranger Regiment and deployed to Afghanistan. Recalled to active duty with orders to deploy to Iraq in 2009, Graham refused and is now an IVAW organizer and student at Evergreen College.
IVAW: “We work to build a service-member and veteran led movement that ends militarism by transforming ourselves, military culture and American society.” IVAW is composed of post-9/11 US Military service-members and veterans. Those of whom who have deployed overseas have primarily served in Iraq and/or Afghanistan.
Full Teach-In Schedule
Empire State College Rm 544
325 Hudson Street
New York, NY
New York Climate Convergence!
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NY Climate Convergence!