Peace & Justice Rally kicking off People’s Climate March!
Sunday, September 21st 2014 10am-11:30am New York, NY
World leaders are coming to New York City for a UN summit on the climate crisis. With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we’ll take to the streets to demand a world safe from war and the connected ravages of climate change. The US military is the largest user of fossil fuels in the world and is modernizing and building new nuclear weapons. We march to slash the bloated military budget and to create a world with a sustainable and just economy that works for people, peace and the planet. We will march out from the rally to join the People’s Climate March.
Confirmed Speakers:
Bill McKibben, Founder, 350.org
Jim Hightower, Syndicated Columnist/Author/Activist
Tom Hayden, Author/Activist
Medea Benjamin, Code Pink
Erica Violet-Lee, Idle No More
Fr. John Dear, Campaign NonViolence
Margaret Stevens, Veterans For Peace
Michael Klare, author “Resource Wars and the Fight for What’s Left”
Judith LeBlanc, Peace Action
George Gresham, President, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East
The Hon. Tony DeBrum, Foreign Minister of the Marshall Islands
Elizabeth Arnold, Anti-Fracking Activist
Antonia Juhasz, National Advisory Committee, Iraq Veterans Against the War
George Martin, Wisconsin Peace Action and Liberty Tree Foundation; Natia Bueno, Student Outreach Coordinator, Peace Action New York State
Confirmed Musicians:
Dar Williams
Emma’s Revolution
Holly Near
Shamako Noble, Hip Hop Artist
Sponsor: People’s Climate March, Peace & Justice Hub
Near the southeast corner of Museum of Natural History
Central Park West & West 77th Street
New York, NY
Sponsored By:
People’s Climate March