“Obama’s Iraq” – Film Viewing & Discussion

Friday, April 3rd 2009  7pm
San Francisco, CA

From the makers of “Fourth World War” & “This is What Democracy Looks Like”


A Big Noise Film
followed by a Public Discussion:

How Do We End Occupation & Empire Under Obama?

Carl Davison, organizer with Iraq Veterans Against the War, served in the Marines and the Army, and refused deployment to Iraq.

Antonia Juhasz, analyst, activist, author of Tyrany of Oil; The World’s Most Powerful Industry–and What We Must Do to Stop It

Rick Rowley, Big Noise film maker recently returned for Iraq.

Obama’s Iraq is an evening of short films never before seen in America. Shot on the other side of the blast shields in Iraq’s walled cities, it covers a very different side of the war than is ever seen on American screens. It reports unembedded from war-torn Falluja, from the giant US prison at Umm Qasr, from the Mehdi Army stronghold inside Sadr City — from the places where mainstream corporate channels can not or will not go. Obama’s Iraq asks the questions — what is occupation under Obama, and how can we end the war in Iraq and the empire behind it? After the film, a public discussion will begin to answer that question. Join us.

ATA Theater
922 Valencia Street at 21st
San Francisco, CA

David Solnit

Sponsored By:
Courage to Resist, Bay Area Iraq Veterans Against the War, & Unconventional Action in the Bay.